
Links to useful information and articles about the Child Support Agency/Child Maintenance Service

Gavin's story in the Mirror Online Click here 

1000 suicides per year caused by the Child Maintenance Service Click here


Dr Christine Davies report Click here

Child Support Agency/Child Maintenance Service causing mental health issues and suicides in our Armed Forces and Veterans community Click here 


Secretary of State for Department of Work and Pensions Therese Coffey ignores letter informing her that the Child Maintenance Service is responsible for over 1000 suicides every year Click here


Chief Child Support Officer Director of the Child Maintenance Group Arlene Sugden  ignores email informing her that her department is responsible for 1000 suicides every year Click here


Coroner slams the Child Support Agency after father hanged himself Click here


A coroner has denounced the Child Support Agency for bombarding a father with demands for money even after he killed himself. Click here


For every life lost to suicide, the estimated total cost to the economy is around £1.67 million. Click here


Arrears inflated up to 300% 2011 most of £3.8 billion uncollectable See -Q150   Click here


Arrears inflated up to 300%  most of £3.8 billion uncollectable 2012 see Q31  Click here


£3.8 billion of arrears unpaid BBC article Click here


The £3.8billion question….Child maintenance arrears Click here


Gingerbread still saying there is £4 billion of unpaid arrears Click here


Dodgy CSA Finances for 2nd Year Running May 2012 Click here


National Audit Office Report March 2017 Highlighting fictitious arrears Click here


Child Maintenance Service wrongly forcing people onto Collect and Pay Click here


Anne Widdecombe article on the suicide of Ian Sandywell Click here

Johnny O'Neill another suicide caused by the false accounting of the CMS Click Here


Parachute Regiment Veteran suicide after CSA left him with only £10 over Christmas Click here


Jamie Stone MP veterans mental health debate 23rd March 2020 Westminster Hall CSA causing mental health issues to veterans Click here 


Margaret Ferrier MP - CMS has tried to push the collect and pay method when both parents have been happy with direct pay. Are advisers being instructed to do that so that the Department can make money from collection fees?  Click here

Margaret Ferrier MP Child Maintenance Service April 2017 watch from 7 mins 40 sec Click here


Audrey Foy Child Support Agency worker embezzles £150,000 Click here


Vindictive Child Support Agency staff Click here


Child Support Agency interfering with private arrangements  Click here


Child Support Agency pursuing false claims Click here


Parental Alienation - Bob Reid Foundation Click here 


Child Maintenance Service reviews on Trust Pilot Click Here


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